Back in September, I meet a cute boy.
I mention in passing my lack of food, living in a dorm.
He says he has plenty, and invites me over for dinner.
On my way to his place, I call a friend, "I'm not sure whether this is a date or not... do I... ask..?"
She says, "Oh no, you'll know when you get there, I'm sure."
When I arrive, he's been cooking.
So he's making dinner... I think this is a date.
Then I walk into the next room, (living/dining room) where there is a small, fold-out table, and his roommate is sprawled out on the couches, playing a basketball video game.
Roommate's here. ok. not a date.
I go back into the kitchen and grab the salt, contribute some small-talk,etc. then we carry the pasta into the living room, where the aforementioned roommate had draped over a table cloth and dimmed the lights.
He must have asked his roommate to set a mood. Ok, this feels like a date.
We sit down to eat, he looks around for a moment, a little confused, then says, "why is it so dark in here? Someone must've dimmed the lights. Odd."
Not a date! Not a date!
"Hold on, one sec" Then he gets up to turn the sliding lever to florescent full-blast.
The rest of the evening was a series of conversations where I was trying to decipher whether or not he was flirting with me. Couldn't tell. the entire time.
We ended up quite good friends out of the deal. But it wasn't until most of seven months later when I asked him about that particular evening that I discovered that he really didn't have any idea either.

I felt very much like Fraiser Crane in this valentine's day episode
I mention in passing my lack of food, living in a dorm.
He says he has plenty, and invites me over for dinner.
On my way to his place, I call a friend, "I'm not sure whether this is a date or not... do I... ask..?"
She says, "Oh no, you'll know when you get there, I'm sure."
When I arrive, he's been cooking.
So he's making dinner... I think this is a date.
Then I walk into the next room, (living/dining room) where there is a small, fold-out table, and his roommate is sprawled out on the couches, playing a basketball video game.
Roommate's here. ok. not a date.
I go back into the kitchen and grab the salt, contribute some small-talk,etc. then we carry the pasta into the living room, where the aforementioned roommate had draped over a table cloth and dimmed the lights.
He must have asked his roommate to set a mood. Ok, this feels like a date.
We sit down to eat, he looks around for a moment, a little confused, then says, "why is it so dark in here? Someone must've dimmed the lights. Odd."
Not a date! Not a date!
"Hold on, one sec" Then he gets up to turn the sliding lever to florescent full-blast.
The rest of the evening was a series of conversations where I was trying to decipher whether or not he was flirting with me. Couldn't tell. the entire time.
We ended up quite good friends out of the deal. But it wasn't until most of seven months later when I asked him about that particular evening that I discovered that he really didn't have any idea either.

I felt very much like Fraiser Crane in this valentine's day episode
Thank you for acknowledging the Frasier Crane episode, because that is all I could think of reading this.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you know it! I was thinking it the whole time. I can't remember, but I might have even called a friend when I got to his house.