Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Scream and they Come Running

My highest level of productivity usually comes when avoiding something else. For some reason, any time a large assignment is coming up, I have a burning desire to deep-clean my dorm room.

Tonight was one of those nights. I put in a load of laundry, cleared off my desk, and made my bed. I was so inspired by this burst of productivity in procrastination, that I turned to the giant suitcase of winter items in storage. It was finally time. 

Unpacking a suitcase with clothes you haven't seen in a while is like reuniting with a old friends. 

Hello, scarves! I hung up some extra command hooks, and draped the scarves on the wall. Hello, sweaters! I made room for a new pile of sweaters into my drawers. And then, my dear, old black trench coat. Hello trench coat! It's been so long! 

On the collar was a curious white circle. when I looked closer, it was a spider. wrapped in his own smooshed web. 
 It must have suffocated under the pile of clothes in my suitcase all summer. 
I took a picture, for my brother, who has a mild obsession with the disgusting little creatures. I went to zoom in, so he could examine every creepy little fuzzy leg, then ...

It started moving


It was alive.  Like some demon creature emerging from the depths of hell it was crawling out of its web cocoon to eat me.
Image result for spider coming out of web

So I did what any rational and calm person would do:

 I threw the coat in the hallway and shrieked. 

I'm comforted to report many of my dorm mates poked their heads out to come to the rescue of a screaming fellow student. Should there ever be a real emergency, apparently, I have great neighbors. 

To Joe--the man at the end of the hallway--you're truly a hero among men for retrieving the loose and speedy arachnid, and putting him outside. For the rescue. Thank you for saving both the spider's life and my sanity. 

There's no chance, no chance in the underworld that spider came from, I'll be able to sleep tonight. 

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