There are some unofficial groups on my campus about which no one speaks. They are underrated, and mostly unnoticed, except by other members. (like fight club. you don't talk about it.)
You walk along, and see another member of the club you're in; exchange knowing side glances of genuine understanding. Subtle smirks of misery and commiseration. All parties genuinely wondering, "I wonder why on earth they are a part of this club??" Then, "What on earth am I doing here with them??"
You've probably belonged to one or more at some point in your academic career.
This list includes (but is not limited to):
That moment of understanding through a fatigued side glance--"I'm right there with you"
The unspoken bond of the secret clubs; as we all approach midterms, just remember,
you're not alone.
You walk along, and see another member of the club you're in; exchange knowing side glances of genuine understanding. Subtle smirks of misery and commiseration. All parties genuinely wondering, "I wonder why on earth they are a part of this club??" Then, "What on earth am I doing here with them??"
You've probably belonged to one or more at some point in your academic career.
This list includes (but is not limited to):
- The Morning les Miserable's --These are the folks who are on campus before the sun is up; (sometimes hours before the sun is up). Not too many students know how early buildings are unlocked, but those of us who do, know there are several that open an hour before the library. These members have the closest resemblance to the walking dead. Their body struggling against the painful truth that they're not sleeping, when they obviously should be.
- A sub-chapter of this club are the late nighters; who, along the same vein, know what buildings don't enforce security after midnight.
- The Nappers-- These are over-exhausted and under-slept (like most of us). But this club consists of those without another option; who have only a short amount of time, no place to rest, and are simply no longer able to keep their eyes open. You will find these members twisted and contorted into small corners, stiff couches, and secret crannies across campus. No longer caring about being judged or undignified--it just doesn't matter. Your heart reaches out to these weary beings.
- The Vending Machine Mealers--When you see someone getting a cheese stick, apple, or granola out of the vending machine, you give a knowing smile, appreciatively acknowledging the relatable lack of time/resources/cooking ability that led them to this point.

- The Saturday Night Lib. Team-- while most of the rest of the town is out on a Saturday night--at a concert, on an date, out to eat, dance, play, or party--the Sat Night Lib. (lib--pronounced 'library' without the 'rary'--get it??) team is partying with their textbooks and the other seven sad souls also in the library. Not only is the library an eerie and just plain disturbing place to be in when it's empty, but it's an added bonus of depression knowing literally everyone else is not studying right now. So I'm especially grateful when I meet other members of this club. Even though we don't speak, it's much less lonely.

That moment of understanding through a fatigued side glance--"I'm right there with you"
The unspoken bond of the secret clubs; as we all approach midterms, just remember,
you're not alone.
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