Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I know that I know you...?

I know this man. I've seen his face.
In the few moments I have before he sees me/recognizes me I have the opportunity to sort this out in my head:

 are you an old acquaintance ? from my home state? friend of a friend from church in colorado?
Did you once work tech on a show I was in? GAH! Were you IN a show that I was in...?

No. I hope that I would definitely remember his name if it were any of these... but alas I don't.

so I continue listing the options:

  • did I once flirt with him in the library? or waiting in line to get food somewhere? 
    • (not that this happens often, but it's a possibility)
  • we were in a class together maybe?
  • summer camp? summer program? EFY? Freshman year?
  • did we once go on a date?
  • were we once supposed to go on a date, so I stalked him on facebook?
  • did my friend once go on a date... so I stalked him on facebook?
  • did I just come across him stalking other people on facebook?
    • I would really not like to admit to that being probable. but it is.
  • did I see him in a show once, and thought he was great, and because I really connected to his character on stage, I remember his face like we were best friends?
    • happens more than you'd think...
He's turning his gaze my direction. I have approximately 0.0763 seconds to decide the course of action. I could go two ways with this:

1) I could say, "HEEEY!" like we know each other. And if he was a victim of my stalking in any form or another, and actually never met me at all, I could seamlessly pretend like I was calling to someone behind him, or really quickly raise my phone to my ear, like I had been talking to someone on the phone...
2) I could pretend not to see him, pretend that I was busy with my phone, continue to walk past, avoid any awkward confrontation.

I turn my head, just enough as to prevent potential eye-contact. I keep walking.

Just as I take a breath of relief, (he must not have known me after all!)

I hear:"Averill!"
(that's when I know they really know me--they pronounce my name correctly.)

"Averill! hey! how are you?!"

oh no.


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