The last two
months, I had the incredible opportunity to study at Cambridge University. It was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life.
here is a very simplified Recap of the term:
Courses Taken:
- Spooks and Spies: the history of British and American intelligence
- I learned quite a bit about WWII and Cold War history—I will never look at the cuban missile crisis quite the same way.
- I also learned what camaraderie and support can arise in situations of dire stress.
- Pictorial Satire:
- I learned a ton about 18th century London; the society, the politics, the royal family, the population’s views on socialites and “modern-day” fashions, and a lot about the French Revolution. People are similar in any century: a good scandal was as interesting then as it is now!
- I learned how to effectively make a sentence humorous with a well-placed swear word by observing my awesome teacher.
- Creative Writing:
- I had a supervision, which means I met one-on-one with my supervisor every week. She was truly phenomenal. In a previous post, I mentioned that she was similar to Professor Trewlaney from Harry Potter. The only similarity, besides perhaps her hair, is the fact that my supervisor must have had MAGICAL POWERS. That is the only explanation I can think of to explain how wonderful she was:
- Brilliant, articulate, but also friendly, and quite hilarious--her quick-witted side comments often had me rolling with laughter. Incredibly knowledgable in the industry as well as the art. She pointed out every small piece of my writing--stuff that I knew I didn't like, i just didn't know why--that could be improved-and could tell me how to improve it.
- She even wore a robe to the final formal hall, just for me--because she's that awesome.
- Even though I learned a lot through my courses, I think I learned the most from side-conversations. Bus rides, car rides, meals, study groups (that got off topic), church meetings, and street corners, and everywhere in between. Sometimes with professors, but mostly with students. I had some of the most wonderfully enlightening and intellectually stimulating conversations I've ever had in my life. Two whole months of that! It was marvelous!
Cities Traveled
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- London, England (a lot)
- Brateslava, Slovakia (sort of. I mean we drove through… on the way to—)
- Vienna, Austria
- Bath, England
- Stonehenge
- Copenhagen, Denmark
1) The cities
themselves were WONDERFUL. Every
single one. They were interesting,
full of culture and history and European charm.
2) I was so lucky to be able to travel with incredible people—they were at
least half the fun!
Professional Shows
- Taming of the Shrew
- Shrek the Musical
- Richard III
- Lion King
- Les Miserables
- Singin in the Rain
- Ragtime
- Twelfth Night
oh man, I feel so very cultured.
Each one very different from any another, and each one
incredible in its own right. Something I noticed about theater, one reason I
love it, there are so many different ways a show can impact an audience. Some
shows penetrate your soul with vocals and harmonies (Lion King), and some
really force you to question your life, and the costs of honesty and redemption
(Les Mis). Some teach you about a history and culture and qualify love of
humanity over the oppression of racism (Ragtime), and some just make you darn happy! (Singin in the Rain). I honestly
do not think one is better than another.
I think there is a place for all
kinds of musicals, and furthermore, I believe there is a need for every kind.
One more random note:
One more random note:
My church does not have the corner market on goodness. Even if they don't believe in God at all, there are incredibly good men all over the world. I knew that, but it's always a wonderful thing to witness.
That being said, another wonderful thing to witness was that men can be both good and competent. Sometimes it feels like you have to choose: high academia or religion. But I watched in awe my fellow church members, as they excelled in a world of sophisticated intellectuals, and were humble enough to still firmly stand by their testimonies of God.
Thank you, Cambridge. Thank you for the wonderful friendships, the incredible conversations, the fantastic memories.
Prof Trelawney here - it was wonderful to have you in Cambridge, Averill. The programme was a delight for us, too. So many, lively, intelligent, enthusiastic students, brimming with energy and curiosity and talent - it was wonderful. I hope your time here continues to glow in your memory even as time passes. Keep in touch!