Saturday, September 29, 2012

two black eyes

As my date dropped me off at my doorstep, I opened the door to find my roommate sitting at the kitchen table. So I stood in the open doorway and faced my date to bid him goodnight.  He said, "This feels rather...formal"
"Why yes. it does." I replied in my most formal, cordial British accent, "Well, sir, I hope you enjoy a lovely rest of the evening"
"I hope you do as well, madam. And I dare say I hope to see you again"
"I shall wait with bated breath"
"Well, Goodnight!"
"Bye (insert date's name)! See 'ya later!"

I shut the door behind him and giggled at our cleverness. 
Abby said, "how was the date?"

I gushed in detail about the date:

How much fun I had just sitting and talking for much longer than expected. I relayed how impressed I was with his knowledge of American politics (because of his exotic Canadian upbringing). I told her that we met a waiter who knew a friend of ours. I expressed that I said the phrase, "the moral of the story" at least eight times. As I was starting into the tale of our giant chocolate truffle cake, I happened to catch a glance of myself in a small mirror, and to my horror, saw this:

I appeared to have had two black eyes. Rebellious eyeliner had plagued the top of my cheekbones with dark smudges. I looked like the end of a teary-break up, smeared with makeup. Or like I'd gotten caught in a coal mining accident. Or like a bad halloween costume of an over-worked witch. 
"Dear goodness!" I exclaimed to Abby.
"How long do you think I looked like this?!"
"oh man..."
"How long has it been like that?! All night probably! Oh gosh! Why didn't he say anything?! maybe he didn't notice?"
Abby crinkled her nose, "Um... maybe..."
"Oh my gosh. He MUST have noticed. how could he NOT?"
Trying to console me, she optimistically pointed out that it was a lot less noticeable when I smiled, as the creases in the bags under my eyes were filled in, and only accented when I dropped the grin. "So you must have been smiling a lot...?" 

Note to self: 
If you buy new eyeliner before a first date, check the bags under your eyes in the mirror at least half way through. As to avoid him remembering you as the girl who's football game war-paint had gone terribly wrong. 

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